May 1, 2012

Acting like a Lady

The hunt was on for a new body for Mimir.  Julie Girl had a mission and we weren't getting any work done until she was done.  Please note.. she was very thorough in her search and we were able to purchase a fantastic new stuffed turtle that fit all the requirements set by the very determined five year old. 

We have had a high switching level over the past several weeks, but today was a balance and we were finally able to get focused on work towards the later part of the day.  Fortunately, we do most of our work from our house, so it doesn't matter what time we start.  Jewel has been in and out all day and is in a very quiet and peaceful place.  This is good for all of us and helps to keep the levels of anxiety down. 

Julie has had a blast working on the new films the production companies she is working for are putting together.  Every moment is a learning experience right now and she is in heaven.  It is fascinating to watch her work.  She really does think of everything in this amazing way. She looks at each part of the project as a puzzle piece and she is trying to figure out what each piece is.  Initially, she doesn't even try to figure out where it goes, she is just looking for similarities.  Once she has a good understanding of what is before her, the pieces seem to jump up and the picture takes shape in chunks.  She has such an amazing sense of place and order and she loves to create systems that work. 

We have a couple of alters who seem to be in hiding but we are just letting them be.  With the divorce and everything else happening, it's alright to just be sometimes.  There is an interesting determination of spirit that has set in.  Jewel refuses to allow anyone in the system to act unkindly or in any way that would be felt inappropriate.  We are finding it is bringing us a sense of calm to know we are acting in a manner that is honorable and honest.  We just hope our actions are understood by the people around us.   It would be easy to act the fool.  We are making the choice to act the lady. 

We go forward...laughing and giggling through the tears sometimes